It’s Christmas time!

It’s Christmas time!

It is nearly the end of 2020 and Christmas is almost here! I hope you have had chance to join in with my December Joy Challenge and reflect back over all the good parts of the year. I know that due to the Pandemic (AGAIN!) Christmas may be looking a little different...
Take Care of Your Wellbeing!

Take Care of Your Wellbeing!

Lets be honest 2020 has been a bit naff so far with the pandemic changing our everyday lives. We can’t sing in choirs or karaoke down the pub with our mates or even have face to face lessons. Does that mean we should stop singing? No! we can still still in the...
Building Confidence – My Thoughts

Building Confidence – My Thoughts

Love singing but the thought of doing it outside of the shower/car brings out in a cold sweat? I get it! Been there! Still feel like that on occasions! “WHAT? Don’t be ridiculous!”  I hear cry “you’re a vocal coach! You sing in front of people every day for a...
Singing in an age of Corona Virus.

Singing in an age of Corona Virus.

Corona Virus is still causing lots of problems for everybody. As we enter another month of lockdown worlds are being turned upside again. The good news is that coaching will continue online for the foreseeable future. Zoom lessons have been working well so far, when...